Three Phases

Phase 1: Education

  • Structure: There will be education across three different domains: general education, and among the ways it intersects with race and gender. This is the foundation for the other two phases in order to create a shared understanding. The education will come from autistic individuals or sources created by autistic individuals.
    • Education General
    • Education on intersectionality: Race
    • Education on intersectionality: Gender

Phase 2: Thought Experiments

  • Structure:Procedure: officers would form an idea of what they think the best and worst-case scenario would be and walk us through their thought process. The ultimate goal would be to use what they imagine as the best and worst outcomes as an assessment of where they stand on the situation and their understanding of how it can be handled. This can then be expanded on to help establish a framework for how to avoid worst-case scenarios and how even best-case scenarios can be improved. And these discussions would be building on conversations that we have already had such as education of ASD and having had these officers hopefully already interacted with the community in a meaningful way through something like a meet and greet.
    • Police are called on a family by neighbors
    • Police are called due to behaviors
    • Police are called to assist in the case of a missing kid

Phase 3: Stickers

  • Structure: I will create stickers with various phrases that can be put in places that are easily seen like on a dashboard of a cop car in order to act as cues to what was set up in phases 1 & 2.
    • I am a community helper, what help do they need
    • How can I help them today?
    • I will assist my community to the best of my ability


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