Self Defeating Cycle

Negative Situation:

Observes someone with ASD and misinterprets their behaviors as threatening and utilizes force as a result

Negative Meaning:

The belief that incorrect or good behaviors and what warrants the use of force


Altered Meaning

There is a fundamental lack of understanding of ASD that is used in conjunction with other biases. These biases perpetuate fear because of  differences and to re-frame the perception of different as not bad but neutral

Altered Behavior

  • 3 Thought Experiments used to gain an understanding of perceptions of a good and bad outcome and work to neutralize perception of behavior and understand what ASD is
    • A child is missing
    • A child is having behaviors that need assistance managing
    • A call is made over the fear of well-being

Self Enhancing Cycle

Positive Situation

  • Meaningful interactions with the autistic community occur and through education and interaction paired with role-plays to help frame behaviors as neutral we hope to see safer interactions

Positive Meaning

  • This comes from the belief that through interactions and the ability to humanize the experience of the autistic community members of law enforcement would be more likely to recognize the ambiguity of behaviors as a reason to take pause and not engage in the use of force


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